2S Question GUIDE to Navigate 2021 PRIDE Season

As the days grow longer and warmer, that only means one thing – PRIDE is almost here!

As we dust off our rainbow regalia, many organizations and companies, including LGBTQ and non-LGBTQ ones, are also preparing for PRIDE and our all important attention.

This post was inspired by, borrowed parts of, and builds upon the Linkedin post by Colin Druhan, Executive Director at Pride at Work Canada (https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6804074541162266624/). Although Colin’s post is commendable and really resonated with me; however, I thought it best if the message spoke from and included a Two-Spirit/Indigenous frame, lens and/or perspective resulting in this post.

If an organization or company puts forth their “support”, especially the ones that include the all important “2 or 2S” in their statement of support, those words should and must be backed up with actions if not then they are simply hollow and empty words.

This Pride season, when the world is painted in rainbow colors and stripes from TV commercials, print ads, bus shelter ads, social media posts to pride celebrations (pandemic permitting), we should and must ask those companies and organizations: “What are you actually doing to support Two-Spirit peoples and communities?” (Again, this question is for the companies and organization where we see the all important “2 or 2S” in their 2021 Pride message.) 

Does your company or organization:

  • Have a harassment and discrimination policy that includes gender identity, gender expression and sexual orientation and is that policy inclusive of Two-Spirit people?
  • Offer gender affirming care as part of its group benefits? 
  • Have a strategy to address (anti-Indigenous) racism and white supremacy?
  • Have a mental health strategy that includes supports relevant to the needs of Two-Spirit, queer and trans people?
  • Have guidelines to support employees who transition on the job? 
  • Have programs that help Two-Spirit people succeed throughout their lifecycle as an employee?
  • Have Two-Spirit employees?
  • Subcontract, contract, work with or hire Two-Spirit firms and/or consultants?

These are just a few questions to get you started there are many others. Which ones will you ask? And, then once you hear the response(s) to act accordingly and responsibly by either supporting these organizations or companies or taking your money, feet, ‘clicks’ and attention elsewhere.

HAPPY (Two-Spirit) PRIDE!
